Scottish Birth Record (SBR)

The Scottish Birth Record (SBR) records baby's neonatal care in Scotland, including readmissions and transfers in one electronic record. SBR is completed for all births in Scotland including stillbirths and home births.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Contact point
Dataset privacy Maximally Restricted
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Landing Page
Tags NHS Scotland,Neonatal Care,Births,NCS,CO-CONNECT,National Core Study,COVID-19
Publisher Public Health Scotland
Geographical coverage {}
Start of time period covered by this dataset 2002-04-01
End of time period covered by this dataset
Theme / Category
Access rights
Conforms To
Documentation The Scottish Birth Record is a web-based system developed on the NHSNet. It was introduced in 2002 as a replacement for SMR11. It provides the functionality to record all of a baby's neonatal care in Scotland, from antenatal through to post delivery, including readmissions and transfers in one electronic record. SBR is based on individuals and events rather than episodes and is completed for all births including stillbirths and home births. The system has been implemented to varying degrees (either directly or indirectly via interfaces with existing hospital systems) in all Scottish hospitals providing midwifery and/or neonatal care. A CHI number is generated soon after a baby is born in order to minimise the chances of a baby being lost on the database through a change of name after birth. The SBR collects a wide variety of information on the child from birth and during the baby's first year of life, with up to four hundred data items recorded for any one individual. This includes gestation, weight, congenital anomalies and discharge details. Identifiers such as name, date of birth, Community Health Index number and postcode are also included.
Publishing frequency MONTHLY
Language {en}
Other identifiers
Qualified Attribution
Qualified Relation
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A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of this dataset
Activity that generated the dataset