Pupil Census linkage data - Scotland

Children attending publicly funded local authority and grant-aided schools in Scotland.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Contact point statistics.enquiries@gov.scot
Dataset privacy Maximally Restricted
Dataset access requirements
Landing Page
Tags children,publicly funded schools,annual census,ADR,education,administrative,Children and Young People
Publisher Education Analytical Services
Geographical coverage Scotland
Start of time period covered by this dataset 2007-09-15
End of time period covered by this dataset 2022-09-15
Theme / Category
Access rights
Conforms To
Documentation The pupil census covers all publicly funded schools in Scotland (local authority and grant-aided). Pupils included in this census are those recorded by the school as being on the roll of the school except those in full time education at another institution.
Publishing frequency As needed
Other identifiers
Qualified Attribution
Qualified Relation
Related resources
Release or publication Date 2024-06-20
Sample distribution of the dataset
A related dataset from which this dataset is derived
Minimum spatial separation resolvable in the dataset (measured in metres)
Minimum time period
Dataset type
the most recent date on which the dataset was changed or modified
A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of this dataset
Activity that generated the dataset